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Day sheets: The online guidebook

These day sheets form the backbone of the Trans-Iberian project. Each day has its own webpage, which contains information about transportation connections, banks and grocery stores, accommodation, and any other information to help you make the most of the experience. Please note that the information on the pages may change at any time. New highways get built, old ones fall into disrepair; hotel and campsite owners retire. We'll try to keep up with the changes as much as we can; in the meantime, if you see or experience anything that should be brought to the attention of other users, don't hesitate to write us at trans.iberian /at/ yahoo /dot/ com to let us know. I'll be going back up to re-do the north end of the route in mid- to late July. When I was up there at the end of March and the beginning of April, it was too cold and wet in many places to put stickers up, so I'll be up to re-check and re-mark the route between Andoain and Aranjuez.

The Joys of the North: From Hondarribia to Sigüenza

Day One: Hondarribia to Errenteria-Lezo (San Sebastian)
Day Two: Andoain to Lekunberri
Day Three: Lekunberri to Pamplona
Day Four: Pamplona to Estella
Day Five: Estella to Logroño
Day Six: Logroño to Haro
Day Seven: Haro to Atapuerca
Day Eight: Atapuerca to Salas de los Infantes
Day Nine: Salas de los Infantes to Burgo de Osma
Day Ten: Burgo de Osma to Retortillo de Soria
Day Eleven: Retortillo de Soria to Burgos

Careening through Castile: From Sigüenza to Torre de Juan Abad

Day Twelve: Sigüenza to Brihuega. (PROVISIONAL)
Day Thirteen: Brihuega to Morata de Tajuña
Day Fourteen: